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Please know, that the docs is still work in progress. Many features or use cases are probably already in the lib but not documented well. We are working on it.

Short Manual

Reading and Writing data


// Get a single instance
root.get("oven") // Creates a new Oven instance
root.get("oven") // Gets a cached Oven instance

await node.get("kitchen") // { kitchen: Kitchen } also cached
await // same as above

// Plain deletion

// Get multiple instances at once
await root.getContainerSet(["oven", "userManual"]) // { userManual: '...', oven: Oven }
await root.getContainerSet((c) => [c.userManual, c.oven]) // same as above

// Subscribe to container changes
node.subscribeToContiner("oven", (oven) => {})
node.subscribeToContinerSet(["oven", "kitchen"], ({ oven, kitchen }) => {})
// prettier-ignore
node.subscribeToContinerSet((c) => [], ({ oven, kitchen }) => {})
node.on("containerUpdated", ({ key, newContainer }) => {})
node.on("containerUpserted", ({ key, newContainer }) => {})
node.on("containerDeleted", ({ key, newContainer }) => {})


let node1 = makeRoot()
userManual: "Please preheat before use",
oven: () => new Oven(),
.upsert((containers, node) => ({
userManual: "Works better when hot",
preheatedOven: async () => {
await containers.oven.preheat()
return containers.oven

// `add` is typesafe and a runtime safe method. Hence we've used `upsert`
try {
// @ts-expect-error
userManual: "You shall not pass",
// Type Error: (property) userManual: "You are overwriting this token. It is not safe. Use an unsafe `upsert` method"
} catch (err) {
err.message // Error Tokens already exist: ['userManual']